Green Policy


Bio Nutrition recognises that our work may have a direct or indirect impact on the local, regional and global environment. We are committed to reducing any harm our activities may have on the environment and would wish to promote the understanding of sustainability in its broadest context.

Our Green Policy is to constantly internally audit our processes and procedures whilst looking for new ways in which we can improve our impact on the environment, and where appropriate link and work with other like-minded organisations.

Reduce, Reuse & Recycle

Our green strategy will focus on

  • Reducing Waste
  • Energy and Water saving
  • Environmental Purchasing
  • Repairing rather than throwing away
  • Travel
  • Recycling

As our Green Policy becomes more established we aim to encourage our staff and customers to become responsible green citizens.

This next part of the policy takes our main focus points, reports where we are now, states our objectives, identifies how we are going to achieve these directives and give a method of measuring the achievements.



  • We reuse, or recycle all of our incoming packaging materials (cardboard, airbags, flowpack etc.) either internally or again as outgoing packaging.
  • We reduce the amount of paper we use. By keeping in contact with both our customers and suppliers via email, we are able to reduce our usage of paper and envelopes. Processing information electronically and using the internet is much more energy and carbon efficient than sending hard copies.
  • All waste paper produced in the office is shredded and then used as packaging material. This means we have never had to buy packaging material.
  • We use digital photography to create all our imagery therefore reducing the use of film developing chemicals.
  • By reducing our waste and recycling we make a positive contribution to reducing landfill waste.

Objective : To reduce the waste generated by Bio Nutrition as much as possible.

Action : Reduce our consumption of materials; reuse products where possible and where possible use refillable consumables. Ask suppliers to use minimal packaging when sending goods.

Measure : A quantitative reduction in the amount of waste disposed of from the site.



  • Where possible we have installed some multi-function devices (phone, answer phone, fax) in our offices to reduce energy consumption.
  • Our energy consumption is closely monitored with readings being taken on a weekly basis to ensure there is no inefficiency or casualness.
  • All lights, computers, printing equipment and other electrical equipment are turned off at the end of the day, and the use of stand-by, rather than full power, is encouraged throughout the day when not in use.

Objective : To keep our energy usage as low as possible and keep our daily usage below the 33 daily units level to avoid climate levy charges.

Action : Ensure that all unnecessary equipment is turned off or on stand-by when not in use and turn off all lights when not required.

Measure : The effectiveness of these processes can be measured either on a daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly basis by reading the meter, and confirmed when bills are received.



  • We purchase plain recycled paper for in house use and are changing our printed material to 50% recycled and 50% FSC managed source using vegetable based inks.

Objective : To reduce our impact on the environment when purchasing from third parties.

Action : Ensure we purchase either recycled or recyclable materials and make sure our suppliers use the least amount of packaging possible.

Measure : A quantitative reduction in the amount of waste we have and an increase in the number of environmentally aware suppliers we have.



  • We have several pieces of equipment including shrink wrappers and printers that we have had for many years. These have been kept going by repair rather than replacing them.

Objective : To reduce the number of machines and other equipment we throw out.

Action : Where possible repair an item instead of replacing it, unless a replacement item would offer significant energy efficiency increases. Should any machine require disposal at any time, this is to be done with full awareness of the environmental factors associated with such disposal, so that as much as possible can be re-used or recycled.

Measure : The easiest way to measure this is to look at the longevity of our machines and make sure we get the maximum amount of use from them.



  • Being primarily a mail order/ internet operation we do very little travelling, so we have very little impact here.
  • We encourage our staff to use the most efficient mode of transport possible for them.
  • We try and make our deliveries as efficient as possible.

Objective : To minimise our impact on the environment from our deliveries and any journeys made by and on behalf of the company.

Action : Reduce unnecessary journeys.

Measure : An increase in the number of journeys using public transport or sustainable means (cycling, walking, etc).



  • Where possible equipment and machinery is recycled or redistributed and will continue to be so throughout our replacement strategy.
  • Currently as much as possible of our paper waste is recycled into shredded paper for packing.
  • Our current pots are recyclable and we encourage both our staff and customers to recycle as much as possible.

Objective : To further reduce our internal waste by recycling more effectively.

Action : Identify more items that can be recycled and do so.

Measure : A quantitative reduction in the amount of waste disposed of from the site.